Knowledge Base » [222250] How do I do a Packet Capture from GP5?

Product or Service: StudyPlace
Client Software: GP5
Packet captures are often required to diagnose or trouble shoot technical issues and although the method to capture packets is slightly different between the Windows and Macintosh operating systems, the process to gather the required information is always the same. That process is as follows:

  1. Start the packet capture process.
  2. Duplicate the issue you are experiencing.
  3. Stop the capture.
  4. Email the capture file to Be sure to include the issue you are experiencing along with the steps that you did to re-create the issue that you are reporting.
Important: Unless otherwise directed by Support Staff, captures that do not include the issue you are experiencing or the steps to recreate it will not be evaluated or acknowledged.

For instructions on how to start a packet capture please see the section below for your appropriate operating system.

  1. Click the green ? icon on the GP5 interface.

    Main toolbar with support button circled

  2. Click the Open Packet Capture Dialog button on the Support dialog.

    Support dialog with Open Packet Capture circled

  3. Click the Detect Packet Capture Driver button on the Packet Capture dialog that opened in the previous step.
    If you get a message that says to get more info/details, the driver isn't installed and you'll need click the Get more details link on the dialog to tell you how to install it.

    GP5 Packet Capture dialog with Detect button enabled

  4. Once you have the driver installed, click the Detect Packet Capture Driver button again, then click the Start Capture button.

    GP5 Packet Capture dialog with Start button enabled

  5. After the capture is running, replicate the issue you are experiencing.

  6. Stop the capture about 30 seconds after the issue you are experiencing has occurred by clicking the Stop Capture button and then click the Send Capture to Support Team button.

  7. Once the capture is sent, send an email to and include:
    • The problem you were experiencing with as much detail as possible*.
    • The email address for the account (paid/commercial accounts).
      - OR -
    • The 'My Display name' as set in the Account Setup tab of the Preferences (in the Tools menu) of GP5 (Teacher/Student accounts).

  8. Once we are notified that you have sent the capture, we will have someone analyze it and let you know what we have found. Note that the analysis can take several business days or more to complete depending on the workload and what type of problem you were experiencing. We may also email you requesting additional information as needed to complete the analysis and find the cause of the issue. We will respond via email with any results we have found.

* The steps to re-create the issue, or a step by step process of what you were doing and what the results were at each step are the best details including the text of any error messages or screen shots when possible. Without this information is may be impossible to determine the cause of the issue from the capture file.

These instructions assume that the GP5 application is in the Applications folder on the Mac. If it is not, please move it there.
Note: To perform a packet capture on a Mac you must be logged into the Mac with an administrator account.
Standard, limited and accounts with Parental Controls enabled will not be able to run a capture.

  1. Quit GP5 from the gp5 menu if it is running.

  2. Open a finder window, then open the applications folder, and then the utilities folder.

  3. Double click the terminal application on the Mac

  4. Type or copy/paste the following command (without quotes) "sudo /Applications/ ".

  5. Enter the administrator password in the terminal when prompted.

  6. Open GP5.

  7. Click the green ? icon on the GP5 interface to open the Support dialog.

  8. Click the Open Packet Capture Dialog button on the Support dialog.

  9. Click the Detect Packet Capture button and then the Start Capture button and leave the Packet Capture dialog open.

  10. Select Validate Account from the Tools menu of GP5 and check the Packets Captured field on the Support dialog to make sure the number of Packets Captured is more than zero. If the number of packets captured remains at zero, start at step one again.

  11. After the capture is running and packets are being captured, replicate the issue you are experiencing. Stop the capture about 30 seconds after the issue you are experiencing has occurred by clicking the Stop Capture button on the Support dialog.

  12. Find the capture file called gp5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.cap on the Mac. It is usually in the Users/Documents/gp5 directory.

  13. Email the capture file to and include the issue you are experiencing along with the steps that you did to re-create the issue that you are reporting.
    Important: Unless otherwise directed by Support Staff, captures that do not include the issue you are experiencing or the steps to recreate it will not be evaluated or acknowledged.

  14. Once we are notified that you have sent the capture, we will have someone analyze it and let you know what we have found. Note that the analysis can take several business days to complete depending on the workload and what type of problem you were experiencing. We may also email you requesting additional information as needed to complete the analysis and find the cause of the issue. We will respond via email with any results we have found.

Alternate Mac method (use only when directed)
  1. Quit GP5 from the gp5 menu if it is running.

  2. Open a terminal on the Mac and type or copy/paste the following command (without quotes): "sudo tcpdump -i en1 -w dump.cap -s 32768 -vv"
    Note: en1 is usually the wireless adapter, and en0 is the wired Ethernet.
    Please replace en1 with en0 in the above command if appropriate.

    * To see which version of TcpDump/Libcap is installed on the Mac, type "tcpdump -h" at the prompt.

  3. Enter the administrator password when prompted in the terminal window.

  4. Start GP5.

  5. Replicate the issue you are experiencing.

  6. Stop capturing the packets by typing C in the terminal window.

  7. Find the capture file called dump.cap on the Mac (it is usually in the Home directory of the user. Typing "pwd" (no quotes) into the terminal will show the location that the file was to saved to as well).

  8. Email the capture file to and include the issue you are experiencing along with the steps that you did to re-create the issue that you are reporting.
    Important: Unless otherwise directed by Support Staff, captures that do not include the issue you are experiencing or the steps to recreate it will not be evaluated or acknowledged.

  9. Once we are notified that you have sent the capture, we will have someone analyze it and let you know what we have found. Note that the analysis can take several business days or more to complete depending on the workload and what type of problem you were experiencing. We may also email you requesting additional information as needed to complete the analysis and find the cause of the issue. We will respond via email with any results we have found.

See Also