Knowledge Base » [692185] Something is blocking GP5. What can I do?

Product or Service: StudyPlace, GatherPlace, TutorPlace
Client Software: GP5
There are several measures that can be taken to resolve a blocking issue. First, you need to determine what is blocking the communication between GP5 and the servers. Once you know the source then you can take corrective action.
Consult the list below for common sources of the problem along with possible solutions.

If you are using...
A corporate network or Internet connection:
The company's security software, firewall, or servers may be blocking the connection. Contact the corporate IT staff to request that they allow GP4/GP5 access. Please see this article for the port and address information they will need.

A public computer such as those found in a school or library:
The organization's security software, firewall, or servers may be blocking the connection. Most public computers are configured to prevent users from downloading programs. It is unlikely that you will be able to get GP5 installed on the computer.
In the event you are able to download GP5, but are still being blocked, please see the paragraph below.

Your own computer on a public (or someone else's) Internet connection:
If you have used GP5 successfully on your computer and are encountering problems it is most likely because the local network or servers at the location where you are accessing the Internet is blocking the connection. Public Internet connections such as those found in a library, school, airport or coffee shop can be configured to block certain communications.
You may be able to speak to the IT department at the location (or the person who established the Internet connection that you are using) to see if they will open a port or connection for you. However, it is unlikely that they will do so. In that case, it is best to find another location with Internet access and try again.

If you are successful with the IT department, they may need this article to configure their servers or firewall to allow GP5.

Your own computer on your home Internet connection:
Your computer's security settings may be blocking the connection. Many of the computer security software solutions on the market today can block GP5 from working.

These security solutions include:
  1. Firewalls
  2. Internet Security Suites
  3. Virus Scanners
  4. Spyware Scanners
  5. Content Filters
  6. Parental Controls

If you have any of these types of software installed on your computer, and are experiencing problems using GP5, there are two possible solutions.

Solution #1
In many cases, simply removing GP5 from the computer and re-installing it will trigger the security software to prompt the user to allow or block GP5 the next time GP5 is run.
Try using the procedure below to see if the security software will give you the option to Allow/Block GP5.
If this does not work, continue on to solution #2.
  • Remove GP5 by using the Add/Remove control panel on the PC.
  • Restart the PC.
  • Download the latest Host version of GP5 here. The Guest Version can be found here (StudyPlace users use this link for GP5).
  • Open GP5.
  • Run the Audio Tuning Wizard (if you use the voice enabled version) or select Revalidate Account from the Tools menu in GP5.
  • Select Allow when prompted by the security software at each stage as necessary.

Solution #2
Configure the security software to allow GP5.
To do this, you'll need to check the documentation that came with the security software or with the manufacturers technical support to see what is needed to configure it to allow GP5 to operate correctly.

Typically, these programs have an 'Allow' or 'White List' where the user can set the list of programs that should be allowed. Most also have a list of recently blocked programs or activity where the user can select a particular program and add it to the 'Allow' list.

Please see the links in the See Also section below for help with some of the more popular security software and how to configure them.
If your software or version is not listed, you'll need to contact the security software manufacturer directly for help configuring their software.

Links to Security Software Sites

See Also