Knowledge Base » [354886] The Host a Meeting button is gone on my GP4. How do I get it back?

Operating System: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista
Product or Service: StudyPlace, GatherPlace, TutorPlace
Client Software: GP4
User Type: Host, Administrator, Teacher
The most common reason for the disappearance of the Host a Meeting button is that your account could not be validated upon the start up of the program due to the lack of a network connection. Below are a couple of quick fixes to correct the problem.

Non-Validated GP4 Interface (no Host a Meeting button).
Validated GP4 Interface with 'Host a Meeting' button.

  1. Select Validate Account from the Tools menu on GP4.


  2. If you get the Your login information was validated dialog, your GP4 interface will change to the validated state and the Host a Meeting button will return.


  3. If you get the Invalid username or password dialog, continue to Method Two below.


  1. Select Preferences from the Tools menu in GP4 to open the Preferences dialog.


  2. Click the Account Setup tab on the Preferences dialog.


  3. Enter the email address used for the GatherPlace account in the Username field and your GatherPlace password in the Password field.


  4. Click the Validate Account button on the Preferences dialog.


  5. You should see the Your login information was validated dialog as shown below.


  6. If you recieve the Invalid username or password dialog, re-check your email and password and try again.
    If you still have problems, see this article on how to re-set your password: [kb=182093]KB 182093[/url]

See Also